A spotlight on sustainability: Managing environmental and social risks

PHOTO: Fish biologists and ConocoPhillips personnel at a sampling site pre-pandemic

Integrating sustainability into planning and decision making is a key part of our focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) excellence.

We continue to manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in our operations and to integrate climate-related activities and goals into our business planning. Creating a pipeline of GHG reduction projects is a central element of these efforts.

Marginal Abatement Cost Curve
In the Bakken, ConocoPhillips is working to implement MACC projects that have the potential to reduce flaring by half, the equivalent of removing approximately 100,000 tonnes of CO2e per year.

Read more about how ConocoPhillips uses a marginal abatement cost curve (known as the MACC) to identify projects that decrease GHG intensity and lower long-term climate-related risk for current operating assets, non-operated assets and future designs.

Alaska's North Slope

Another cornerstone of our operations is recognizing and respecting the choice of Indigenous communities to live as distinct peoples, with their own cultures and relationships to the land, water and air.

Read more about how we work with our neighbors on Alaska’s North Slope to ensure that helicopter traffic related to our operations doesn’t interfere with their subsistence lifestyle.

A pilot and a Nuiqsut resident about to depart the Alpine Field to inspect the family’s native allotment.

You can learn about Village Outreach Liaison Mark Jennings’s daily phone call with operators and stakeholders from the nearby community of Nuiqsut.

Our planned helicopter and small aircraft operations are sometimes altered as a result of the discussions held during these calls.

Top U.S. performer in sector

We are also proud to be recognized for our performance.

ConocoPhillips has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) Sustainability Yearbook 2021 and noted as the top U.S. performer in the “Oil & Gas Upstream & Integrated” sector.

The DJSI benchmarks sustainable best practices for investors by scoring companies on their management of ESG issues.

In the U.S., our Bakken team is working to implement several MACC projects to reduce routine flaring.

This includes corporate governance, risk management, branding and reputation, climate change mitigation, supply chain standards and labor practices. Read more about the honor.

Our ESG approach

Learn more about our approach to managing social and environmental concerns, including climate-related risk, while investing in the development of the energy supply essential to human and economic progress.