In the video above petrophysicist Shaina Kelly shares her experiences with the ConocoPhillips Asian American Network’s team during the 2017 Dragon Boat races in Houston. Each year the employee network competes in the races and welcomes all employees to join the team.

In 2010 Houston surpassed New York as “the most racially and ethnically diverse major metropolis in the country,” according to a recent Los Angeles Times article.

Citizens wear the label like a badge of honor, embracing the variety of nationalities, languages and cultures. Houston-based and global ConocoPhillips employees also embrace diversity in many ways, including through a group of employee networks . This commitment recently earned the company a spot on Forbes’ "America's Best Employers for Diversity." Throughout the year, employee networks sponsor activities that promote cultural awareness, community involvement, social support and professional development. Now in its 27th year, the Houston Asian American Network (AAN), one of the oldest networks, boasts more than 200 active members from Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, the Philippines and Turkey. A satellite group operates in Bartlesville, Okla.

Each summer, the Houston AAN hosts its annual Asia Pacific showcase at the company’s headquarters, featuring a dizzying array of exotic food, entertainment and exhibits to share aspects of the members’ different cultures. The team also participates in the annual Houston Dragon Boat Festival, where the ConocoPhillips Upstreamers racing team won the 2016 Energy Cup.

Other employee networks include the Black Employee Network , the oldest, created 30 years ago; the Houston Hispanic Network , now 25; and the newest, the LGBTA Network , created five years ago.