Handbooks: Fast Facts Reference for Today’s Tech Professionals

The Link
By: Caitlin Cricco, Thu Aug 31 2017
Caitlin Cricco

Author: Caitlin Cricco

The Springer Nature eBook collections portfolio delivers Professional Handbooks from Springer, which maintains the highest standards of references in key areas of the physical and applied sciences for practitioners in industry and academia.

Handbooks are written by international experts in their field and provide concise compilations of approved key information on methods of research, general principles, functional relationships, fundamental data and established applications. 

All Springer Nature eBooks, including our handbooks, are edited and prepared with great care by editors committed to bringing expertise to the research we publish. The highest production standards and quality are applied including the enrichment of all Springer Nature eBooks with the highest standards of metadata available to ensure discoverability and our user friendly platform allows users to easily download and read the content they need most.  

Available as part of Springer Nature’s eBook subject collections, handbooks are readable e-references for fast, yet comprehensive review and easy retrieval of essential reliable key information.

Here are some of the newest handbooks available from Springer Nature:

Springer Handbook of Electronic and Photonic Materials

A highly organized, self‐contained, authoritative desk reference of materials properties, processing, and characterization techniques and includes practical applications, details of experimental techniques, useful tables that summarize properties of various materials, and an extensive glossary.

Available as part of the eBook package: Chemistry and Materials Science

Springer Handbook of Robotics

A research‐ and application‐oriented handbook that covers one of the hottest topics in science and technology;  it goes beyond the applications of robotics in industrial settings to cover the science’s new uses and integrates more than 700 videos, accessible online or with an app.

Available as part of the eBook package: Engineering

Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology

This handbook offers a highly‐detailed, single‐volume treatment of a rapidly evolving field. It offers a comprehensive, easily‐accessible source of application‐oriented, authoritative information by integrating knowledge from all key subfields.

Available as part of the eBook package: Engineering

Handbook of Convex Optimization Methods in Imaging Science

Discusses recent developments in imaging science and provides tools for solving image processing and computer vision problems using convex optimization methods. 

Available as part of the eBook package: Computer Science

The Handbook of Formal Methods in Human-Computer Interaction

This book provides a comprehensive collection of methods and approaches for using formal methods within HumanComputer Interaction (HCI) research, the use of which is a prerequisite for usability and user-experience (UX) when engineering interactive systems.

Available as part of the eBook package: Computer Science

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Caitlin Cricco

Author: Caitlin Cricco

Caitlin Cricco is a Senior Content Marketing Manager on the Institutional Marketing team, based in the New York office. She works closely with Product, Sales, and Editorial to grow awareness of Springer Nature brands and product lines within the corporate and health market place.